четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Conditions expected to get better over weekend

NSW: Conditions expected to get better over weekend

SYDNEY, Dec 6 AAP - Firefighters had 72 hours from this morning to control as manybushfires as possible across NSW before blistering weather conditions returned on Monday,Rural Fire Service (RFS) chief Phil Koperberg said today.

Mr Koperberg said after a cooler day today, it was expected conditions would continueto improve during the weekend giving firefighters a chance to get on top of the worstblazes.

"We do expect conditions to abate tomorrow with winds tending to be more southerlyand remaining quite cool and a bit more of the north-easterly influence late on Sunday,"

he said.

"But Monday's going to be a very bad day with temperatures again expected in the high30s, in western parts perhaps in the low 40s, and predictions for wind are particularlydisturbing with north-westerlies being predicted with perhaps gusts up to 80kph.

"We're better off (today) because it is cooler and the winds have changed direction,lessening the exposure for us and will tomorrow will be better still and Sunday will bealright.

"But we've got 72 hours to do what is impossible to do in 72 hours and that's extinguishall that fire.

"So ... whilst we're better off today than we were yesterday, our focus is going tohave to be on securing as much of the southern perimeter as we can before the on-set ofnorth-westerly winds."

Several fires have flared this afternoon in areas north of Sydney, south in Nowra,and in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney.

It is believed at least one home has been lost at Canoelands, just north of Glenorie,north of Sydney, while other fires are threatening both residential and industrial property.

The main fire threat is north around the Nepean and Hawkesbury rivers with embers flyingup to 10 kilometres away from the blaze, Mr Koperberg said.

"We've got an almost unprecedented line of fire between Nepean River in the west andthe mouth of the Hawkesbury in the east," he told reporters at the RFS headquarters inRosehill.

"That fire is moving under the influence of strong south-westerlies in a north-easterlydirection.

"Patonga which is some seven to 10 kilometres away is currently sustaining (a) severeember attack ... which is indicative of just how severe the fire conditions are."

The Brooklyn and Cowan areas are expected to come under threat during the afternoonwhile a fire south of Nowra is impacting on an industrial estate east of Yalwal Road,Mr Koperberg said.

Another blaze near Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains was "troublesome" but extensivefires in the Hunter Valley are not threatening property, he said.

Mr Koperberg said firefighters were beginning to tire after three days of intense fireactivity and had welcomed the arrival of interstate crews this morning.

Another group of about 70 Victorian firefighters arrived in Sydney today and were briefedat Berowra Oval on bushfire conditions in the heavily hit area.

AAP nf/csd/sb


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